Meaning In A Digital Age

When I was young the trending home decoration was a bowl of perfect fruit…made of plastic. I first encountered this after our missionary family returned from the Congo where we loved fruit. Needless to say, I eagerly grabbed for a delicious looking grape to my mother’s horror. She gracefully leapt from her chair, grabbed my hand and whispered, ‘It’s not real!’

In our high-speed digital and social media world, you can easily feel connected yet alone, loved but never enough all at the same time. We are driven to work harder, be more, and expect more, urged on by snapshots of perfect moments. But this is not a complete picture. Like the plastic bowl of fruit, it is all appealing, but lacks the substance to fill or provide meaning.

How is it that we quickly leverage the power of devices and technology in search of meaning for our lives but not the power of God? Our devices certainly seem to have all the answers with the latest health advice, news, tech, friend updates, how-to videos, language translation, and more. But God has infinitely more answers, especially when it comes to life, relationships and meaning.

God created the math and science that holds the universe together, and gives life to the people that will learn and apply it, then feed their answers to our devices. But when their answers are no longer enough, and you begin to wonder why you are here, God has that information too. He gives structure to illusive things we call ‘happiness’ and ‘meaning’, sharing those secrets in the Bible, along with strategies to handle whatever life throws at you. For example, let’s look at the verses below:

“Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth (know your Bible) and the body armor of God’s righteousness (know how God fights for you). For shoes, put on the peace (trust God’s promises) that comes from the Good News (know how deeply God loves you) so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith (trust in Him) to stop the fiery arrows of the devil (to overcome negative thoughts and challenges).  Put on salvation as your helmet (know why God saved you John 3:16-17), and take the sword of the Spirit (let God fight for you), which is the word of God.

Pray in the Spirit (ask for help anytime) at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent (don’t give up) in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” – Ephesians 6:13-18 (NLT) (Notes by me. Not part of the Bible.)

As you reset this week, enjoy the ‘real’ fruit. Try leveraging more of God’s power and knowledge. He will keep you balanced and walking in peace through technology and work demands, grounded daily in your value, purpose and meaning.

Ruth Thorogood is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, Communications Manager for Lausanne Canada and the Canada Representative for the World Evangelical Alliance. For more info:

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