Lindsay Gladding – June 19th

Lindsay Gladding is World Vision Canada’s Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs Director, with over 12 years of experience. In her role with World Vision’s humanitarian team she has deployed to multiple crises in the last decade, including Niger to support a food security crisis, Jordan to establish WV’s response to Iraqi refugees, Zimbabwe to support the cholera response, Haiti in response to the earthquake, and Pakistan in response to massive flooding. In late 2010, Lindsay was seconded to World Vision Lebanon to serve as the Humanitarian Director for 15 months where she led the initial response to the Syria Crisis as refugees began to first flee to Northern Lebanon. Lindsay has an undergraduate degree from the University of Western Ontario in Socio-Cultural Studies and a post-graduate diploma in International Project Management from Humber College. She also serves as a contract faculty at both Brescia University College and Humber College in humanitarian and development studies.


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