Jason Roberts – Dec 16

Jason Roberts came out of the mess of addiction at 25 years old, when he checked into Wagner Hills.  He later began working with addicts through Community Builders at Christian Life Assembly.  He spent some time in Hong Kong working with St Stephen’s Society and Jackie Pullinger.  After moving back to the Lower Mainland, Jason ran the social work department at CLA.

While he was back at CLA doors opened for him to speak to pastors in Russia about addiction treatment. He started helping and eventually moved to Russia to help build and train a team to run a treatment center outside of Moscow.

After living 2 years in Russia, he came back to Canada and started Recovery Church where he pastored for 10 years.  Jason then moved into the position of Men’s Campus Director at Wagner Hills Farm before becoming the current Executive Director of Wagner Hills.

He is married to the most excellent Nicole Roberts and has Ali, Max and Zoe as his wonderful children.

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