In This Together

It was a special experience to talk about women supporting women alongside fellow guest Anu George Canjanathoppil from IJM Canada. We were able to share about how women are struggling here in our own communities in Canada and in multiple excruciating situations around the world. I look forward to seeing how viewers of See Hear Love will join the fights against hunger in Canada or against slavery internationally – thank you!

Anu and I got to talking in the green room before taping about some of the challenges faced by women in leadership roles, as she and I both serve as leaders of our respective organizations. I shared that the biggest challenges aren’t what you might imagine – balancing work and family or operating in spaces typically occupied by men. The discouraging experiences we shared were those where women WEREN’T championing us, and instead casting judgement or questioning our choices.

While there was a kinship in sharing some of these stories, I also left saddened that this was our reality. I’ve been asking myself, “How I can do a better job at supporting women day to day, not just in my work at the food bank?” Even if other women’s choices are different than I would make – how can I be a cheerleader for my sisters in how they choose to raise families, what they look like, how they approach work, how they conduct relationships?

No easy task! But important if we want to see women rise up, enter into the places God has called them to, and make a difference in our world. So sisters – here’s to your life that might look different than mine. I’m cheering for you!


Meghan Nicholls is Executive Director of the Mississauga Food Bank

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