Hunger Free in the Kingdom of God

For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. Matthew 25:35 

Today is World Food Day, a day that honours the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945 and reminds us that many people around the world still go hungry each day.

Leanne Prescott , a Moncton, New Brunswick-based artist and member of the World Vision Youth Council, visited the See Hear Love studios to bring awareness to the issue of food security and talked about some of the steps we can take to ensure that one day we live in a Hunger Free world.

As a child, Leanne grew up in a home where there was always room at their table for people in need of a meal and fellowship. From there, Leanne developed her heart for sharing. She started to sponsor children through World Vision at a very young age.

When she married her husband – Insta-famous chef and food blogger Dennis “the” Prescott, author of Eat Delicious: 125 Recipes for Your Daily Dose of Awesome – they both developed a passion around making sure nobody in the world was without food.

Leanne and Dennis have travelled the globe learning about sustainable farming techniques and other ways to ensure food security. On a trip to Kenya, they discovered that in spite of the fact that some people had lived without rain for three years, they were farming in innovative ways that could help solve the food crisis. As they sat with local families and enjoyed chapati bread or lamb stew,  they witnessed that the donated funds were actively helping to solve the problem of world hunger. Leanne believed the problem of world hunger was solvable within our lifetime.

She witnessed God’s grace in abundance and realized that if we work together to make things better, change can happen. She took particular encouragement from the youth she meets through her work with World Vision and wants to find ways to create space for young, energetic people to direct their passions to solving world hunger. She saw Matthew 22:39 in action as people worked to love their neighbours, by giving their time, money, and energy so their neighbours would not go without.

In celebration of World Food Day, I will be making a donation to our sponsor World Vision’s Hunger Free campaign and would invite you to do so too.

Because in the Kingdom of God, nobody should go hungry.

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