Hope Has a Name, and His Name is Jesus – Christina Thé

Hope has a name, and his name is Jesus. 

I was once hopeless – in despair. I thought I was living, but I was merely surviving. 

Even after I asked Jesus into my heart and proclaimed him as my Lord and Saviour, I would have bouts of cyclical darkness and severe depression. In those dark seasons I held on to my faith, but lost all hope. 

I believed Jesus was real, that He died for all my sins and diseases, but chose to live in my own personal prison. I gave in to the enemies attack on my soul and surrendered into the trap of the father of lies. 

I truly understand the feeling of heaviness, that dark cloud lingering overhead – no matter how far you run or deep you hide, the darkness engulfs you. All passions, enjoyment, friendships, fun, dreams or desires slowly… then quickly fade away. 

This happened, because I did one of the worst things a human could do – I pulled away from friends, from faith family, responsibilities, small group, church, and most importantly from my intimate relationship with Jesus. I stopped talking to my Heavenly Father. I isolated myself and “lived” in a prison of hopelessness. 

We use the word hope like the word “like”… We hope in tomorrow, we hope for good weather, we hope for everything on our Christmas list… 

What does the world say about the word hope: 

“Hope” is commonly used to mean a wish : its strength is the strength of the person’s desire. But in the Bible hope is the confident expectation of what God has promised and its strength is in His faithfulness. 

One cannot have hope without faith. … When people have hope they have faith, because they hold a belief that says “I believe that the future will be better.” And while they have no grounds to “prove” the hopeful assumption, they have faith in it. While faith without hope is possible, hope without faith is not. 

God says: 

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. 

As soon as I reconnected with my Abba Father, my first Love, my Joy & Hope, my source and supply, my closest Friend (Holy Spirit) & my Kingdom family – He accelerated my restoration and renewal, turned my mourning into dancing and my sorrows into joy.

Friend, if you’re without any hope, cry out to God. He is listening. He’s been waiting for you… He’s been waiting at the door of your heart. Let Him in and allow His Holy Spirit; The Comforter to comfort you, right now. 

God’s love is unconventional, unchanging, unending, unconditional and unlike anything this world can give. 

The Creator of the heavens and earth, adores you! He will “blow your mind” with His wraparound love and fill you joy everlasting. 

Jesus Christ – CHRISTmas, is the reason for this season. God gave us His son, the greatest gift / love exchange in all of human history. His life, for your old life. Jesus is the only way, truth and life. 

Don’t wait another moment.

From my heart, 

Christina Thé

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