Our Hearts Will Ache and Our Hearts Will Break

Our Hearts Will Ache and Our Hearts Will Break

Welcome back to See Hear Love ..

We hope you’re having a great week and we’re so glad that you’ve joined us on this very important Wednesday.

Here’s the deal .. this is NOT going to be a light show .. and the topic will make some of you very uncomfortable.

But it’s important that we bring it to light – out of the darkness – and expose just how evil it is. And support ways to END IT!

That’s what today’s show is going to be about ..


The thing about the internet and the web .. is that it can be used for great things .. like a web show like See Hear Love  .. but it also can be used for evil, abuse and even Cybersex Trafficking.

So, we felt that it was important to bring THIS topic to light .. and discuss it on our show today – where we can learn and discern and then take ACTION against it.

We’re going to watch some hard-to-watch videos about WHAT is Cybersex trafficking and the incredible story of Cassie, a young survivor of Cybersex Trafficking.

And, we’re going to listen and learn. And our hearts will ache and our hearts will break.

And there will be times in the show where you will realize that YOU will need to make some decisions about injustice. YOU will need to decide WHAT you’re going to do about this evil in the world.

We at See Hear Love are asking the same questions for ourselves. It’s not easy, but God has called us to do what is right, to seek justice, to defend the poor, the orphan, the voiceless and the widow.

We can’t be silent any longer.

Join us in the fight against Cybersex Trafficking and support the #NotOnMyScreen campaign.



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