Happy Thanksgiving from See Hear Love

“Happy Thanksgiving!”

If you are like us, you might be having a little more trouble saying that this year.

This fall has been marked by so many sad world events: hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorism, political divide, and joy-filled concerts ending in massacre. So many people are struggling personally with sickness, depression, the death of a loved one, infertility, abuse, or unemployment. Even at See Hear Love, we are in a season of mourning, as we laid to rest the Reverend David Mainse, founder of our media partner, Crossroads Media, and a great friend to all of us here.

There are days when it’s much more tempting to stay in bed under the covers than to actively give thanks. And these are the days when we lean hardest on the Word.

As Psalm 118:24 reads: “This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

This is the day. 

Every day.

Even the ones that seem unbearable.

Because God is faithful, and because even on the darkest of days, there are elements of light.

Even in the midst of terrorism, mass shootings, or natural disasters, there are countless first responders who, with no regard for their own safety, rush in to help the injured.

And for this, we can be thankful.

In John 16:33, Jesus says “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

And for this, we can be thankful.

Paul gives us a glimpse of how we can take heart in hard circumstances in Philippians 4:8:

Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

And so, this Thanksgiving, we focus not on the trials and sorrow, but on the right, the pure, the lovely, the admirable, the excellent, and the worthy of praise.

Even after something as terrible as the mass shooting in Las Vegas, we can focus on the Christ-like behaviour of ordinary people like Heather Gooze, who risked her safety to stay beside a stranger because she did not want him to die alone. In her interview with John Berman and Poppy Harlow of CNN, Gooze talked about her time with Jordan McIldoon of British Columbia, who died in the attack: “I’m not the most courageous and strongest person. Something wouldn’t let me run. Like, everybody was running out the door, and something wouldn’t let me go.” (source link:http://www.cnn.com/2017/10/03/us/las-vegas-survivor-stranger-died-cnntv/index.html)

Something compelled her to stay and help a stranger, and then work to locate his family. There are God moments everywhere, if we look for them.

And for this, we can be thankful.

The loss of David Mainse leaves a huge hole in our collective hearts; he will be profoundly missed. He also leaves behind a beautiful legacy, which brought so many to faith.

And for this, we can be thankful.

Every day, people get married and babies are born.

And for this we can be thankful.

Every day, people help each other, expecting nothing in return.

And for this, we can be thankful.

We have access to God’s Word, which offers so much encouragement, particularly at a time like this.

And for this, we can be thankful.

At See Hear Love, we have produced 85 shows and have been able to share the stories of the people who’ve inspired us with you, our beautiful viewers.

And for this, we can be thankful.

And we all have the promise that we are seen, heard, and faithfully loved by God.

And for this we can be thankful.

This Thanksgiving, we are going to take some time to rest and reflect and will hug our families a little tighter. And when we break our bread and give our thanks, it will perhaps be more heartfelt than it’s been in years before.

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at See Hear Love.

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