God’s Faithfulness

Recently, my husband and I were on a serious house hunt. If you’ve bought a house before, especially in the last few years, you know how stressful this process is, and if you haven’t been in this situation before – I’ll start praying for you now. (lol) We had no idea what we were in for … talk about ALL the emotions!

One day I’m dreaming of having a space to call my own, then the next I’m told we can’t even afford to buy a house.

There are so many hopeful verses in the Bible that remind us for God’s faithfulness – Psalm 100:5 says, “For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.” Not only is this a reminder of God’s faithfulness, but also His goodness and love.

The promise of God’s unfailing presence with us is all that matters – we can live in confidence and contentment because of that alone. No matter how many disappointments we face, unfulfilled promises from other people or in our case, broken house dreams – God’s promises and faithfulness will echo through eternity and His promises are backed up by His flawless character. In times when we don’t understand the process, we need to remind ourselves that His feelings for us don’t change and that God is trustworthy; therefore so we must trust the process. 

I want to encourage you to meditate on the promises of God’s faithfulness found in the Bible; it will begin to shift your heart and mind. It won’t make your struggles disappear but it will certainly bring peace and calm in a discouraging or testing season. Hebrews 4:16 is another great reminder that “We can come boldly to the throne of grace for mercy and grace to help in time of need.” – because He who has promised, is faithful.


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