Here’s to a Glorious New Season!

There’s something awesome about the changing of seasons. It brings with it a feeling of newness and curiosity for what’s ahead.

Question: What’s your favourite season?

My all time favourite season is Fall. I absolutely love everything about it: The beautiful autumn colour of the leaves, the crisp cool air, thanksgiving, sweaters & pretty much anything pumpkin!

With every season comes the feeling of a new chapter starting in my life…literally it feels like a new season that God’s bringing me into! Do any of you feel that way? I hope I’m not the only ‘deep feeling’ person in our group, lol. 🙂

As summer winds down, just like the colour of the leaves, our priorities also begin to change. It becomes less about rest and relaxation and more about goals and grinding, My prayer is that we will still take the time to be present and thankful for our blessings, big and small. One of the those blessings that I’m thankful for is the ability to continue this amazing journey with my beautiful sisters at See Hear Love!

Who knew that a group of imperfect ladies with contrasting personalities and varying opinions on life, would strike such a resonating chord with so many in such a short time? God is truly awesome and we are humbled by the response. Through our first season, you’ve been there, through every laugh, every tear and every story shared….sometimes in it’s rawest form. We’ve opened up our lives to you and you all, in turn, have opened up your hearts to us and let us in….thank you so very much.

Like the turning of summer into fall, we look forward to growing and changing with you all in this upcoming season!  God has so much in store for us all and there are some wonderful things ahead that we receive, in advance, with gratitude! However, as much as we may try, beloved, we cannot anticipate what is around every corner. It is important to remember that our heavenly Father never promised us a storm free life…but that He would be with us THROUGH the storms. More importantly, He promised us that the storms  would not overtake us. He will not give us more than we can bear.

When I reflect on the ‘not so great’ moments that may lie ahead for us in the fall, I am reminded of one of my favourite verses found in Romans 8:18: “For I consider the sufferings of this present time, not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us!”

Know that our present sufferings are relatively short compared to our time in eternal glory with Him.The weight of our present trials is like a feather on the scale, which can’t compare with our future glory with God, which is absolutely certain. Therefore do not lose heart. You are surrounded by an all encompassing love from God the Father. A love so powerful that no suffering or ‘not so great’ moment can ever separate You from it.  God is with You. He goes before You. He fights for You. God loves you with an never ending love!

Let’s walk into this new season, together, encompassed in that great love. God is bringing us into a new season! He’s doing a new thing…and it’s GLORIOUS!



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