Fridays … Flashbacks + Favourites = Fun Day!

Fridays are our day to share some really fun and meaningful stuff with you! We all have favourites – books, shoes, song lyrics, art pieces, instagrammers, podcasters, bloggers, mascara, lipstick, quotes, scripture verses…you name it!

These are a few of our favourite things… (raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens … Ohh how I LOVE the Sound of Music!)  

Every Friday WE – Melinda, Cheryl, Joanna, Abby and Kimberley – are going to share something that we love and hope you will too!

This day is meant to resource you for the weekend and give you some new ideas that are inspiring and life-giving!

Tag us in your #favouritethings and send us your suggestions on more Favourite Things we can talk about!

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