Flashback Friday, Our Favourite Justice Moment … and a GIFT for Abby!

Well, after a really moving & ‘heavy’ week discussing human trafficking, we let ourselves laugh a little today.

We share our Flashback moment, some funny, like me (Abby) on my butt while snowboarding which is probably how most of that time was spent, or Cheryl sharing about keeping up her Christmas tree waaaaay past time or Melinda singing in ‘Down By the Creek Bank’ at Faith Academy … and then some meaningful moments like Joanna’s photo of some ladies and her in Thailand.

This week has all been weighing on us in the theme of Justice. What can we possibly do?

Well, if you missed my announcement, I’ve decided to host a birthday fundraiser! My birthday just so happens to be 1 WEEK FROM TODAY!!! I’m a wee bit excited, can you tell?

So, because I know you’d all love to buy me a gift, what I am asking is that you donate to IJM instead! Together, let’s make a change! Click here to Donate

We also shared our favourite justice moments for our ‘Favourite Things’ segment. Mine was this past October when I participated in the A21 Walk for Freedom. It was also my first time joining a movement in Toronto and I met some incredible people. In fact, it led me to my new church family at Groundswell!

What’s your favourite justice moment? A missions trip? A job? A campaign? Or simply a way you are living your life? Tell us by commenting or tagging us on Instagram along with #FavouriteThings

Have a great weekend!

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