Join Host Melinda as we continue our SOS Summer of Strength series with two amazing guests who will help strengthen you in your marriage OR in your singleness!
- Stephanie Rourke Jackson was living a picture-perfect life, that hid deep relationship problems in her marriage. After 19 years of marriage, she was faced with her husband’s affair with a member of the worship team where he led. She shares WHY she stayed, HOW they restored their marriage, and her TOP 3 words for those who may face a similar situation.
- Debra Fileta Professional Counselor, national speaker, author of the book True Love Dates, and host of the Love + Relationships podcast. She shares how we can prepare ourselves for healthy relationships even in our singleness, and how 4 key areas are all important to maintaining strong, healthy marriages.
Be ready with a pen and a notepad, because you’ll want to take notes on these conversations!