Embracing The Gifts We Have Received

“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God,
serve one another with whatever gift each of you have received. 
Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God;
whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies,
so that God may be glorified in all things, through Jesus Christ.
To him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.”
1 Peter 4: 10-11

These verses summarize what has been an incredible season of growth, stretching beyond comforts and saying YES to God, and to opportunities like See Hear Love where my God-given gifts can be used for His glory. 

Here are a few key learnings from this past year:

  • Be “safe, not soft.”  This is something I first heard about from Arrow Leadership, and have practiced ever since. We’ve collectively seen and globally experienced a lot this past year.  From the ongoing, devastating impact of Covid-19, to the rise of racial injustices, to the fall of influential Christian leaders. All of this can make the good news seem like really bad news.  What does it mean to be a leader who creates space for psychological safety, while speaking truth to power? If you see something, say something and encourage others to do the same, for the sake of gospel change.

  • Embrace the gift of limitations. We aren’t made to ‘do it all.’ Many women and working moms especially have been doing triple-duty to keep things at home afloat, kids fed and schooled while continuing to work full-time. Instead of overwhelm, pausing to ask “What does this present season require of me? What is my best serve?” allows for focus and embracing limitations.  It also gives mental and spiritual space for future dreams to emerge.
  • Try new things. Just like stepping into a brand-new-to-me speaking role for a national women’s television show, sometimes opportunities appear out of nowhere and can lead to greater confidence, clarified calling and an expanded community of faith-filled leaders to connect and collaborate together with. I’ve also appreciated the beauty and benefits of being outdoors – spending a ton of time exploring new parks and hiking trails with family, going on nightly walks with my husband and even started running for the first time!

As I reflect back on the monthly segments that were meant to center on identity, cultural agility and mentorship, I realize maybe half of the segments actually included any one of those things. When I first started, I was googling “how to craft a 2-minute talk” – I was THAT green.  But I didn’t let my inexperience limit the opportunity for growth and learning, and that’s probably the biggest takeaway I’d want for viewers and listeners.  

There is power in the authenticity of “in the moment” living and speaking.  Sometimes the content for segments arose out of lived situations that I was currently reflecting on. Others were God-moments of the past that He was bringing to mind through reflection, Scripture reading and prayer. Whatever the topic, I went from a place of fear and anxiety, to joy and fun throughout the whole experience!

I am so grateful to this show, and to the community here for embracing me, and giving space for my second-generation, Korean-Canadian voice to be heard.  I am still one on the journey of figuring out how to hold and live in the pull and tension of identity, culture and mentorship and I firmly believe we all benefit from hearing diverse voices, especially from all tribes, tongues and nations of God’s kingdom people.  I’m honoured to have been part of Season 6 ~ thank you!

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