Embracing Change

As we move into the fall, nature reminds us that nothing stays the same. During certain seasons of life, this sentiment is a welcome relief, but at other times change can be challenging, bewildering, and even painful. At such times, we wish for things to remain the same, long for the “glory days”, and may even resist change, seeking to remain in a season long after it has passed. But change doesn’t offer that opportunity. It does, however, extend its arms to possibility.

Change thrusts us into unknown territory which can be a fearful place. But when we embrace the discomfort of change, it creates the possibility for personal growth, profound life-stretching moments, and opportunities to partner in God-ordained collaborations. By viewing change as a growth opportunity and refusing to play it safe, we become more closely aligned to the fullness of God’s purpose for our lives.

Through change, we are stretched and given greater opportunities to rely on God. As we learn to trust him throughout every changing season, our fears subside. We gain confidence that he will carry us through these transitions, grow us in greater maturity, usher in a new season for his glory and purposes, and even make beauty from ashes. We cease resistance and allow ourselves to be led, expectantly scanning the horizon for what God will do.

Through all the seasons of change, we anchor our hearts and minds to the One who never changes and is ever faithful. The Message version of Psalm 18:1-2 says, “I love you, God—you make me strong. God is bedrock under my feet, the castle in which I live, my rescuing knight. My God—the high crag where I run for dear life, hiding behind the boulders, safe in the granite hideout.” We steady ourselves by setting our eyes on God, our rock—not the shifting sands of change. With him we stand firm on solid ground.

When we are bewildered and confused from a sudden shift in our circumstances, we can take comfort in knowing that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) No matter the unexpected twists and turns life takes, no matter if this season feels like winter has settled in and shows no sign of spring—God is faithful. We can continue to cling to his promises remembering that, “he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6)

We trust that even in the darkest months, when our steps are unsteady our hearts feel frozen, God is working to complete all he began in us. He is even using this section of our story, the derailing of our plans, and the shifts in circumstances … to accomplish his plans and purposes!

Melanie Stevenson is a blogger, author and artist. One More Tomorrow (Summer 2019) is Melanie’s debut novel, the first line of which was conceived in an airport terminal. Her second book, Soul Focus (Released Fall 2019), is a selection of devotionals written over a span of ten years. www.scentofheaven.me/about

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