Dayna Olson Brooks

Dayna grew up in Swift Current, Saskatchewan. Oldest of two girls in an entrepreneurial family. Lived abroad for one year in Australia after high school and returned to study at U of S obtaining Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with aspirations of law and politics. Dayne moved to BC 30 years ago with her husband Kevin where she worked in corporate leadership for various retail companies. Mother of two young adult girls, Olyvia and Bella.  Started working in full time ministry 10 years ago and serves as Director of Connections, Community and Discipleship at Ridge Church. She is passionate about people being known and finding their home in the church. She is known for moving fast and getting things done! Her office is always full of various young adults sharing their learnings, their wisdom and lots of laughs! She enjoys socializing over a nice dinner, games night with friends, kayaking adventures with Kevin and hitting trails with her girls. She loves music and it can be heard in her office and every room of their home which means there has always been a lot of dancing.

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