Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy

Last week my husband drove to the nearest Walmart and bought himself a flip phone.  Yes – you read that correctly, an actual flip phone from 2003.

He sent me a selfie as soon as he left the building. It was dark, I could hardly tell what the photo was of and it was terribly grainy.  Basically it was awesome.

We live in a world that is so attached to our smartphones that we’ve lost touch of what it looks like to have actual face time with people and struggle to find real connection.  We spend hours upon hours scrolling and looking at others peoples lives, stories and accomplishments that we’ve lost intimacy with those around us.

This addictive scrolling behaviour turns into a quick comparison game. Seeing what others are up to, while you’re at home about to feed the baby.  Comparing somebody’s perfectly curated photo of their house, while yours feels upside down. Watching friends out for dinner, wondering why they didn’t invite you or seeing the success of somebody else and letting it steal your ambition and dreams.

Don’t get me wrong – the internet and social media are wonderful in many respects, connecting us in unparalleled ways. But studies have shown that we are growing less content with our own lives because we spend too much time consuming what’s going on in the lives of others.

Comparison is the thief of Joy – we need to stop comparing our low-lights to someone else’s highlights. Each one of us has an unique story that is being uniquely written. Nobody has your story or can tell your story but YOU.   Don’t waste your time staring at a screen watching other people’s stories being written when God is trying to uniquely write yours! God has a purpose and a plan for your life – John 8 says, “… know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” The truth about who God says you are is – you are chosen, you are worthy, you are loved, you are enough, you are justified & redeemed!  Knowing and walking in these truths will set your heart free to LIVE IN THE MOMENT and allow God to keep on writing his story for your life.

When my husband arrived home from Walmart, I asked him what made him want to turn in his iPhone and use an old school flip phone – he responded with, “I just want to be present.”  

Friends, don’t lose out on what God has for your life – there is joy in missing out. Praying you’re able to embrace the story God is writing in your own life and are able to live in the truths of who God says you are, walking in His freedom.


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