Choose To Be Kind

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”  – Ephesians 4:32

I woke up nervous, excited and full of anticipation. I was heading to a stunning studio east of the city to record my second album. That morning I sent out texts to my pastors and to the prayer warriors in my life asking them to pray for me, over the studio and for anointed worship to flow out of me and the team as we recorded.

My husband got to the studio earlier than me that morning, and as I was pulling into the parking lot I noticed another familiar car beside his. When I walked into the studio my girlfriend and her little daughter were standing in the studio holding flowers with a note that said “cheering you on, we love you so much”.

You know that feeling when when somebody asks how you’re doing on a day that you’re not doing so good and you immediately burst into tears? I felt like that, but the opposite. I was doing good and to know somebody saw me, felt my joy and wanted to join in on this special day brought me to tears. Happy tears. Who knew that a small act of kindness like this could move me so much? I was reminded that we too, can show up with a $10 handful of tulips and make somebody’s day. Kindness doesn’t have to be expensive – it can be holding the door open, allowing a car in front of us to go first, buying a coffee for somebody in the Tim Horton’s line up and sometimes it’s just showing up. My friend showed up unannounced on one of the most significant days in that season and through her kindness touched my heart and pointed me Jesus.

Ephesians 4:32 say, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Kindness is a visible action. Sometimes we have to CHOOSE TO BE KIND to those who we don’t feel are deserving and other times it can come more easy. Either way, when we choose kindness, we are choosing Jesus – because kindness points people to Jesus. After all, isn’t that what it’s all about?

I pray that we would cultivate a spirit of true kindness, a kindness that is Spirit-produced and supernaturally generous. And we say thank you Lord for being the best example of what kindness looks like, may we continually be becoming more like you each and every day.


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