He Is Writing Caleb’s Story

He Is Writing Caleb’s Story … Have you ever known something with your head, like intellectually, you comprehend an idea or a truth? Then something happens, its like a light goes on, or your eyes are opened and all of the sudden you really “get” it? It becomes something that goes from your head to…

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Seeking Justice: From Fan to Advocate

Seeking Justice: From Fan to Advocate – by Kelly Cameron Justice is a popular word these days. God’s command in Isaiah 1:17 to “seek justice” fits easily into the trend of being ‘justice-minded’ as a Christian. You can find it on t-shirts, coffee mugs, or as a hashtag; but the weight of God’s call to…

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These Three Words

These Three Words by Karra Overholt See, Hear, Love: Three incredibly powerful words that have the potential to change a person’s eternity! In my context, I get the privilege to work with a lot of junior and senior high students and it’s been an incredible adventure so far. I have come to realize there is a…

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Seen Heard & Loved

Seen Heard & Loved by Kassandra Matthews To be Seen Heard & Loved has deep meaning for me in my context. I serve at a local long-term care home providing spiritual care. In these visits, I walk with the ill, elderly, dying residents through what is a difficult time marked by change, loss and pain. I…

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Why Church?

Karra Overholt – Guest Host A Canadian wide study was done a few years a go (around 2012) called Hemorrhaging Faith, about why people are leaving the Church. Out of that research emerged a booklet, Transfusing Life, for youth and young adult pastors on why people leave, but also why they stay. It is a…

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We Christians Are So Good At Forgetting

We Christians Are So Good At Forgetting by Guest Host, Kassandra Matthews When Melinda asked me why I’ve chosen pastoral work as my vocation, the truth is I ask myself that question all the time!  It isn’t the easiest path to choose. That being said, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.  More than a choice, I…

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What’s The Story Here?

It’s the most powerful story you can tell. It can’t be undermined, disregarded, or opposed. It can be shouted from the top of a mountain, or whispered into a listening ear, and still have power. It’s YOUR story, the story of what Christ has done in you. The strongest message you can share is a…

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Say It With Paper

There’s something special about getting a card… receiving a beautiful, heartfelt message written on paper. It’s the perfect pick-me-up on any day, good or bad. In those moments when you could use a little extra encouragement, receiving a little note of appreciation can the highlight of the whole day. And when you’re feeling on top of…

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Oh How You Shine

This is a SPECIAL BLOG POST by our Guest Host, Michelle Peters, from The Gideon’s International in Canada/Share Word Global. “Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Hold…

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