Worship is Everything That We Are …

What does it mean to “Worship in Spirt and Truth?” I get asked this question often and because I only have a few words in which to explain my answer – I’m mostly focusing on corporate or devotional worship. (Cause our entire lives should be one big act of worship, RIGHT?!) Here’s my response: Worship…

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What is Worship?

What is worship? I had to answer that question on See Hear Love – at first I got frantic and my mind spiralled into a million directions thinking of a long fancy answer.   Then the Lord whispered to me: ‘Brooke, my love –  a heart of holiness.’ My instant thought was ‘but God, holiness is a…

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The Power Of People

At World Vision Canada, we recently launched Village2Village. It’s a new way for donors to connect with communities by means of pooled funding, allowing eight communities in six countries to turn their goals into reality. This got me thinking of the idea of community. The power of people. I’ve been blessed in my life to…

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You Are Valuable by Brenda Drost

This week I had the awesome opportunity to share my story and some encouraging words with the gals over at See Hear Love. It had been a while since someone had asked me about how I came to really surrender my life to Christ.  It took me back to the day… a marked day in…

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Being Brave

Bravery… I read a quote recently that said, “She was powerful not because she wasn’t scared but because she went on so strongly, despite the fear.” – Atticus It hit me in the face. It challenged my concept of a brave woman. It may seem strange that such a simple quote would have had such…

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If You Really Knew Me …

You ever feel this way or is it just me?  Maybe it seems like nothing you do will ever be enough.  The tapes that play in your head say that if people REALLY knew what was going on inside you, they would lose respect for you.  If they knew you ate that second donut after…

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The THREE R’s to Loving Yourself

There’s an old story from the Polynesian Islands called Johnny Lingo and his 10 cow wife. It goes like this: In those days and in that part of the world, if a man wanted to marry a girl, it was necessary for him to pay her father a dowry. Usually the expected dowry was a…

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God Entered Human History To Redeem It

Advent is about waiting for God to act as He has promised. It is a lesson about God’s Providence. The dictionary defines the word Providence as “divine guidance or care.” From a biblical perspective, history is “His Story.” The things that occur in this life are a part of a grander scheme. The Bible teaches…

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Giving A Gift That Keeps On Giving

When I was eight years old I was thrust into a new life. My father, for economic and lifestyle reasons, decided to move his family from the big city onto a livestock farm in Southern Ontario. As a child on the farm, my responsibilities were to milk the cows and pour the milk into a…

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