International Day of the Girl

As a woman who loves Jesus, I have a deep desire to make a difference in this world. But in the face of great need worldwide, so often I cry out, “There is too much to do Lord! I can’t possibly make a difference!” Ever feel that way? One thing I have learned working at…

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Gratitude is a Weapon

We live in a world that is saturated with the idea that if only we could ‘get more’ we would be satisfied. But we never are. It seems the more we buy, consume, the more we want. Mick Jagger was right, ‘We can’t get no satisfaction.’ How do we fight this insipid (can’t get enough)…

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Tips On How To Lessen Your Stress & Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are two human conditions that have similar physical, mental and relational manifestations…nervousness, changes in breathing and heart rates. The differences are in degrees of impact and duration. Stress may be what I experience when I drive in rush hour traffic…then I get to my office and I read my morning devotional and…

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When We Blend …

The topic of blended families is one that is close to my heart.  Not only is it something that I have helped many families navigate as a therapist, I grew up in one.  I think blended families are one of the ways that Jesus brings beauty from ashes.  But, they are not without their challenges.…

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What To Do When You’re Spiritually Dry

WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU’RE SPIRITUALLY DRY © Sherry Stahl Everyone knows what to do when you’re in a fire. Since pre-school days you’ve been taught the three steps to follow when facing the flames, “Stop, Drop and Roll”. I bet you’ve even done the actions a few times!  Did you know there’s just two steps to…

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What Would You Say To Your 16-Year-Old Self?

What would you say to your 16-year-old self? This is a question I get asked all the time but a question I love to ask others who have experienced life more than I have. My answer is always centered on reminding 16-year-old Aisha that it’s ok to not have all the answers. To enjoy HER…

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We Need To Do Life Together

I love to make and develop games. If you’re older than 50, you might know these as “parlour games.” A recent parlour game that I played, was where all participants had to secretly write on a piece of paper, the answer to this question: If you were to write the title for a book about…

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A Peculiar Ethic Of Radical Love

The early followers of Jesus were obsessed with one thing: imitating Jesus. They made two simple claims.  First, they insisted that “Jesus is alive.” And they didn’t say it in a “scientific-proof-trying-to-make-converts” or a “Jesus-has-a-plan-for-your-life” kind of way. For them, “Jesus is alive” meant that Jesus was resurrected and so all of humanity got activated…

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Love Means Staying Put

When Benedictine monks enter the monastery, they make five vows at the time of their entry. One is the vow of stability. Unless the monk is told to go elsewhere by his superiors or by Rome, he must remain in the same monastery for the rest of his life. According to Thomas Merton, the monk…

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Our Story by Nigel Paul

In January 2009, God gave me two words: “move in”. It was a message for my generation to imitate Christ and literally move into the neighbourhood, specifically among the unreached, urban poor. I wasn’t endeavouring to name a movement, but we later became known as the “move in” people. That’s how we got our name.…

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