Hope in Your Pocket

“We who have run for our very lives to God have every reason to grab the promised hope with both hands and never let go. It’s an unbreakable spiritual lifeline.”  -The Message I remember one time when I was playing hide and seek as a young child, I really needed to give up my spot…

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What’s The Story Here?

It’s the most powerful story you can tell. It can’t be undermined, disregarded, or opposed. It can be shouted from the top of a mountain, or whispered into a listening ear, and still have power. It’s YOUR story, the story of what Christ has done in you. The strongest message you can share is a…

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Say It With Paper

There’s something special about getting a card… receiving a beautiful, heartfelt message written on paper. It’s the perfect pick-me-up on any day, good or bad. In those moments when you could use a little extra encouragement, receiving a little note of appreciation can the highlight of the whole day. And when you’re feeling on top of…

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Let’s Have REAL Talk

See Hear Love … What does it mean to you in your context? Today on the show we shared about what it means to us  – where we are at. Our desire is for women (and men) out there watching, is that you will feel seen, heard and loved. I’ve shared my story in a few…

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Open Our Eyes To What YOU Are Doing

I met author, Mary DeMuth, a few months ago as she was a special guest on my podcast, Your Story With Melinda. She was smart, funny, engaging and very honest. I really liked her. She’s the kind of woman that you could sit on the couch with and chat, in your torn/ugly pajama’s, about life…

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