Ep 9: Millennial Women and The Church

As a Millennial woman in the church, have you ever struggled with opposition and stereotypes in your church? If so, then this is the show to watch! On Episode 9, Three Millennial women share openly and honestly about their love for the church and the challenges they face. #TheStruggleIsReal #MotivationalMonday

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Ep 7: You’re Wonderful

Overview of the Show Michelle Peters is such a fascinating woman. Twenty two moves?!?! If you don’t know what we’re talking about – go back and watch the show first. I was watching from the sidelines for these tapings and I have to admit, my jaw dropped after hearing this. I’ve just accomplished my fourth…

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Ep 6: Shine Bright Like Stars

This #MotivationalMonday we welcome a new friend and guest host, Michelle Peters, from The Gideons International in Canada/Share Word Global as we discuss the Bible verse: Philippians 2:14-16. Join us as we share our thoughts and viewpoints on this inspirational and motivational scripture. #ShineBright

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Ep 4: What Does SEE HEAR LOVE Mean to Us

  Join Melinda, Cheryl, Joanna and Abby as we discuss what SEE HEAR LOVE mean to us in our every day lives, at work, with our families and friends. You’ll be inspired by our candid and honest conversation. AND, it’s #WCW .. check out WHO we gush/crush/highlight today!

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Ep 3: What Are You Wearing Today?

What Are You Wearing Today? Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.  And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.…

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Ep 2: Flashbacks & Our Favourite Things


It’s our FIRST Friday on See Hear Love and it’s ALL about showing you our FLASHBACK photos and sharing our personal memories together. We also love to share Our Favourite Things … and we have a lot of them to share with you in this episode from favourite blogger, instagrammer, book, worship album and podcaster! Join us…

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Ep 1: The Launch of a Dream

Watch Episode 1

Welcome to our very first show on SEE HEAR LOVE and the launch of our online destination. A place where you will be inspired, resourced and equipped for your everyday life. What a perfect day to launch our new show and our website – – on International Women’s Day! Join us – Melinda Estabrooks and…

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Do You Trust God With Your Due Date?

Do you Trust God with your Due Date?

A Note from Sherry Stahl: I’m so honoured that Melinda asked me to be a part of your SEE HEAR LOVE experience and to bring you some regular refreshment from The Word!  How exciting that the show is on the road.  Today is the beginning of a dream being realized that God gave Melinda years…

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