Cara DeHaan

Cara DeHaan has served as the Lead Pastor of Faith Church Burlington since 2019, when she was ordained as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church.

Cara used to think that being a pastor’s wife would be the perfect life calling: wide involvement in the church without the deep challenge of leadership. But in a 25-year meandering journey through Student Council, graduate school, countless committee/board meetings and much more, not to mention marriage to a non-pastor (!), God slowly revealed to Cara a different path, toward senior leadership in the church. Cara finally surrendered control: “Okay, God, but only by the power of your Spirit.” So, now, sometimes stumbling, sometimes skipping, Cara studies and preaches, directs and strategizes, encourages and prays. She also finds special delight in listening to people’s life stories and connecting newcomers into community.

Cara and her software developer husband, Dave, live with their three children and their very first family pet, a hamster named Gilbert.

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