Brought Back to Life

Happy Easter!

Wow, if you live in Canada, hasn’t it felt like the longest winter this year? Like we’re finally emerging from the cold and darkness. I’m so glad that the way we typically mark the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring is also around Easter. New life is literally bursting out of the ground all around us!

My prayer for you this Easter is that this would not only be true in the natural world around us, but that this would be something that is true in the very depths of you. New life. Light in the darkness. Hope in the most difficult season.

The story of Easter is the story of God’s great love for us. Love so great that it died in our place, was buried, and rose to life again three days later, conquering sin and death once and for all. This is the love of God found in Jesus Christ!

But the true and revolutionary event was not just a one time thing. Just like the Spring season itself, this resurrection story comes to us again and again, year after year with more and more meaning as we walk with Jesus.

What is something that is dead and dark in your life? What is an area that feels hopeless and beyond help? Is there a relationship or a path you’ve gone down that you don’t see how it can be changed for the better? Do you feel like you’re in the depths of winter in your soul?

The good news, the best news, is that while we were still sinners (broken, a mess, far from God, not even interested in God), Christ died for us. He takes us just as we are, right where we are. We don’t need to clean ourselves up or figure it all out. We don’t need to raise ourselves from the dead. JESUS is in the business of resurrection, and he wants to resurrect every dead place within you- heart, mind, body, and soul.

May this Spring season and this Easter not just be another marker on the calendar. May this be the year you invite Jesus to do a new work in you. Invite him to love you back to life.

He is Risen! 


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