“If you see something beautiful in someone.. speak it.” – Ruthie Lindsey.
In this season where the words “isolation” and “distancing” have become a frequent part of our dialogue, I have felt a strong pull to shrink back, to retreat, and to limit my thinking. The idea of being present has caused me to live in the day to day, almost in a survival state of mind. Although there is nothing wrong with this posture, I have sensed a strong call to remember to dream and to be open to the voice and lead of God. The truth is, some days this is very difficult. As a single mom, my thinking is limited and the self-created labels that are made because of circumstances, situations and obstacles that restrict my ability to freely see what God has for me at times.
Have you ever been there? Unable to see things clearly because of the thick and heavy fog of circumstance? I’ve noticed in this season that despite the fact that we are further apart in proximity, God has called us to draw closer to Him and to one another by taking greater measures to be encouragers. Hebrews 10:24-25 says “think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”
I am a product of encouragement. I would not have been able to walk through difficult times, start my own business, speak at church events, or step into the call of God on my life without the obedience of an encourager. We need people to speak what they see. I need to hear what God says about who I am and what I am capable of. When it feels harder to hear from God or trust His lead, I need help. Sometimes seeing beyond the fear I feel, the shame I sense, and the unreal restrictions I embrace… feels impossible. This is where I need encouragement. To dream bigger. Think further. To step out from under the haze of present happenings.
I want to encourage you. Let’s be people of inspiration and influence. Let’s choose to take action and to speak the beauty we see in one another. Ask God to show you who needs your encouragement and watch how your words can create a whole new world for those who are in need of a gentle push towards truth. Who is in need of some words? Your encouragement could be a stepping stone for someone’s breakthrough. Let’s come out of this haze together, encouraged.