I’ve thought a lot about what to write in this space.
A personal story? A research statistic? A Biblical illustration?
Ultimately what I want to do is provide encouragement for those of you who may be struggling
with your mental health.
The lie of mental illness is that you are alone. That the future is bleak. That there is no hope.
The stigmas surrounding mental illness may tell you that you’re weak. That you lack faith. That
you just aren’t trying hard enough.
But the truth is that your illness cannot separate you from the love of God or the plans and
purposes he has over your life.
Yes. Purpose. You have a beautiful purpose.
We may never know why God allows sickness, disease and mental illness. It’s the product of
living in a broken world.
But I do know that we have an opportunity to look at our circumstances and see what could be
happening FOR us in the midst of them. It is often our struggles that provide the necessary
tethering to God that we need.
It is our struggles that allow us to show empathy to a friend. It is our struggles that provide the
backdrop for a glorious testimony. That is purpose my friends. Showing the love of God to
Our walk with God is a partnership. So I need to do my part in managing my mental illness so I
can show up in purpose. For me, that means ensuring I’m moving, eating well, getting enough
sleep, taking my medication and of course pressing into my faith.
The road is not easy. As someone who battles this myself, I get that.
But something beautiful happened when I stopped running and hiding from my diagnosis and
instead, invited God into it. Not to heal me – although I believe he can – but to turn the ashes of
my mental health into beauty for the kingdom.
Carla was an overwhelmed woman battling a mood disorder and painful past while trying to juggle being a working mom, wife, Christian and friend. Through her social media presence and blog, Carla shares her journey with authenticity and encouragement, inviting women to rewrite their stories from victim to victor and move from broken to brave. Catch her weekdays at 9AM EST on Coffee With Carla LIVE on Facebook or on replay on IGTV.
If you are looking for support during a difficult time, check out her new book – Out From The
Darkness: A companion devotional for those battling their mental health. Available on
Amazon. Follow Carla on instagram @carlaarges or on Facebook @carlaargeswellness.