Being Brave


I read a quote recently that said,

“She was powerful not because she wasn’t scared

but because she went on so strongly, despite the fear.”

– Atticus

It hit me in the face. It challenged my concept of a brave woman. It may seem strange that such a simple quote would have had such an impact, because isn’t it obvious? Not to me. Sometimes the simple answers are the hardest to see or fully embrace. It wasn’t until this past year that the topic of ‘brave’ was brought into the forefront of my thoughts.

As far back as I remember I have battled the fear of just about everything. To get through the various fear-filled moments I claimed verses such as:

“For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”

– Hebrew 13:5

 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

– Joshua 1:9

I believed the presence of fear meant the absence of bravery.  Atticus’ quote challenge my preconceived idea of power and our capacity to be brave. For the first time I could give myself permission to acknowledge my fear without it being something that defined me as weak, but rather it could become a part of my brand of bravery. We all have our own story and expression of bravery based on the mountains and monsters in our lives. Things are always more scary in the dark, but when we can bring that fear into the light provided by the Lord’s truths and claim His promises for us, we can step out and take action even if we feel afraid, lonely, tired, etc.  When we act out in faith regardless of how we feel; we can find and claim our bravery.

Hollie Taylor has launched her own entertainment promotions company called Ten16 Entertainment.  Ten16 Entertainment is a company committed to the education and promotion of artists pursuing exposure in the Canadian Christian music industry. She is also now teamed up with Johnny Rocket on 105.9 Shine FM’s morning show, The Morning Spin, and podcast, Why Me Project.  Hollie is also the Founder and President of WIMM Canada.

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