Our True North

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – September 30th, 2021 The big question I ask myself today is, how do we imagine a reconciled Canada? I first came to Canada in January of 2017, at the start of Canada 150. As an American, I didn’t know anything about Canadian…
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That Bright Land

“Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the Rebellion.” – Hebrews 3:15 This verse is my verse for the year. I usually don’t use the part of the verse where it says “as you did in the rebellion,” because it brings up…
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To Be A Champion

Women Champions I love the word champion. It has two definitions according to the dictionary. a person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition a person who fights or argues for a cause or on behalf of someone else Most of the time, the first definition is…
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No Border Between Us

The internet has connected me with people, music, movies, and pictures from around the world, and it’s connected us all in ways that has never been possible before. I have friend in South Korea, England, and India, and I can send them a message at any moment. And yet, it…
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