Season 8 Episode 34 The Problem of Perfectionism

🎬 NEW EPISODE 🎬 Yup. We’re doing it. Talking all about THE PROBLEM WITH PERFECTIONISM. What it is. Why we live this way. It’s origin. The problems. The paralysis in making decisions. The solutions. And, the healthy outcomes when we STOP trying to live and be perfect. Phew! We’re grateful for panelists @nicole_langman_officialprofile @senait and…

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Season 8 Ep. 33 A Conversation with Elaine Comeau

Learn best practices on launching a social enterprise,  identifying stroke symptoms and the dangers of ignoring them, and why it’s SO important for women to prioritize self-care with guest Elaine Comeau and Host Melinda. 1.      Entrepreneurship – best practices and steps for a young person to start a new business or social enterprise…

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Elaine Tan Comeau

Elaine Tan Comeau knows the ups and downs of being a mom entrepreneur. She is a sought-after keynote speaker, author, podcast host, and CEO and founder of Easy Daysies Ltd.   She is blessed to be a wife and mom of three and stroke survivor. She went from being a schoolteacher to accidentally inventing a children’s product…

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Season 8 Ep. 32 – Philippians 4 Living Out Your faith

**NEW PODCAST ALERT!* Going into our FOURTH Bible Study episode … with the sun on our faces and ready to share HOW TO LIVE OUT YOUR FAITH .. with joy, authenticity and audacious love! We hope you’ve been tracking with us each week & that you’ve downloaded our FREE Study Guide: #faith #livingoutyourfaith #philippians…

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Season 8 Ep. 31 – Philippians 3 Living with Confidence | See Hear Love

WEEK 3 is here! And, we’re focusing on how to LIVE WITH CONFIDENCE from Philippians 3! This week we’re talking about: ✔️How our confidence comes from knowing Christ and this informs how we authentically show up in the world! ✔️Are we focused on DOING or BEING? ✔️Where are we finding our value? ✔️How are we…

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Season 8 Ep. 30 Living a Generous Life – Philippians 2

This week on See Hear Love we’re in WEEK 2 of our “Conversations About The Book of Philippians” Bible Study series! And, this week we’re talking about HOW TO LIVE A GENEROUS LIFE. What does it mean to give generously our time, resources and finances to others. What are the benefits? Why should we live…

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Krista Penner

Krista currently serves Fellowship Pacific churches in Development, Special Projects and through management of Immerse, the in-church contextualized theologically grounded leadership education program offering a Master of Arts in Biblical Leadership and a Master of Divinity through Northwest Seminary.  As part of her portfolio, Krista works with churches to coach and develop the next generation…

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Season 8 Ep. 28 Living In Community – Philippians 1

Join us as SEE HEAR LOVE new Bible Study Series starts today. ✔️ 4-part series on the book of Philippians with special guests and Bible Teachers @elitafriesen and @krista_r_penner and Host Melinda! ✔️Sign up for your FREE Bible Study guide in the link 👆🏽or at ✔️Notes, Prayers, Takeaways and deep conversations provided! #biblestudy #bible…

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Season 8 Ep. 27 How to Have a Crucial Conversation

We’re helping you to have a healthy CRUCIAL & COURAGEOUS conversation!! Life is so polarizing, full of tension, gaslighting and stressful … that we thought it would be helpful to help YOU have a CRUCIAL CONVERSATION with your friend, family member, colleague, partner, or spouse .. so that truth and honesty can prevail and restoration…

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