“I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.” 2 Timothy 1:5.

This verse encapsulates so well a spiritual legacy. I can relate to what is written in my own experience with my grandmothers and mom having a ‘sincere faith’. Observing the intentional mentoring ways, specifically from my mom, has provided me with a passion to continue this spiritual legacy. Her thoughtful pursuit of knowledge from God’s word and wisdom from others was obvious and accomplished by simply acting on God’s will through obedience to the call for marriage, motherhood, overseas missions, ministry, and friendship.

I am sure at times my mom doubted if she had any impact. I can attest to her diligence that it made all the difference. I have memories of my mom living this out on a daily basis. I recall when I was twelve there was a knock at our front door. Standing on our porch was a neighbour in tears. Within seconds she was embraced and ushered into our living room. Quickly, the aroma of fresh brewed coffee would fill the air, must be why I love coffee! There was no hesitation, she welcomed her in immediately. The image I am left with made a profound impact; two women praying together on a couch. This happened regularly and I observed a natural way of connecting with others.

The example my mom provided is a call to leaving a spiritual legacy. She accomplished this through actions, words, written encouragement and a well-worn bible. These areas guided my steps without a formal meeting or handing over a checklist! It was a day to day lifestyle-mentoring model. This has allowed me to intentionally pursue informal mentoring with my own five children and who God graciously has brought into my life. My mom, “…taught what was good.” (Titus 2:3).

Her personal life reflected a godly righteousness. She willingly lived out the call from Proverbs 20:5, “The purposes of a person’s heart are like deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.”

Mentoring, with the hopes of creating a spiritual legacy, meant these three things were always present with the interactions my mom had: wise biblical counsel, attentive listening and prayer. These unique ways help guide a mentoring role. My mom also knew the journey she was on required a willingness to humble herself before the Lord and acknowledge her need to have others walk with her. She, too, met and prayed with other women that helped mentor her. Accountability can be an overwhelming thought, but it also places us just where God wants us, ready to be more like Him and share the good news of His grace in our lives.

A spiritual legacy can be created starting in any generation, even if there has never been one before. It simply starts in natural, mutual, mentoring relationships. There is no need to fear reaching out to be mentored or fear that you are not fit for the task. Those are lies the enemy would have us believe. God will equip you. Stay in the word and pray for opportunities and hold fast to a sincere faith.